ML2 Project

We investigate the bridge between soft computing and mathematical logic.
Masaya Taniguchi @RIKEN AIP/Tohoku NLP

Satisfiability Problem of Categorial Grammar


Categorial grammar is actively studied on the proof theory side. On the other hand, this project pay attention to the semantics of categorial grammar. We first invesitigate the semantic framework of categorial grammar and its variants. Then, we study the satisfiability problem of categorial grammar.


Theorem Proving of Categorial Grammar


This project aims to develop a parser on the proof assistant system for categorial grammar and its variants. We provide the formal method to prove the correctness of the parser. Moreover, the parser will be used to formally prove the linguistic properties of categorial grammar.


Modal Logic for Categorial Grammar


We introduce modal logic to categorial grammar. In combinatory categorial grammar (CCG), the type-raising is a remarkable operation for computational theory and linguistic theory. We investigate the operation as a modal operator. Despite from the traditional CCG, our target formalism is a pure categorial grammar.
